What does a T4T session look like?  

Each T4T training session is comprised of a 20 minute video, along with a corresponding article.   

Check out Sneak Peeks below for a sampling of a few of T4T's topics!



 T4T offers an easy way to ensure that Supervisors are growing in their role.

 Supervisors in the manufacturing field need specific training to help them be successful as they lead and optimize their contribution to the overall success and growth of the company.

Tools for the Trenches is the right training to do just that.

Manufacturing is a high-paced, high stakes and often stressful environment.  T4T is designed BY a Manufacturing leader FOR Manufacturing leaders.    

Tools for the Trenches teaches leadership skills alongside with specialized Manufacturing Supervisory skills such as KAPPA, SMED and Process Capabilities Studies. Everything they need to know.

With easy to digest, bite-sized sessions, topics for all 5 skill areas and expert training, there is simply nothing else like T4T.  Check out both of our training options to find which one meets your needs.  We are here to help you equip and train your front lines! 

LEARN more about a T4T Premium Membership
LEARN more about the CML Certification Courses