UNIQUE AND EFFECTIVE Monthly Manufacturing Supervisor TRAINING


What is it?

T4T is a unique asynchronous training membership using a monthly rolling 4 topic syllabus. Learn something new every week of the year!

How long does the membership last?

To view all of the tools (4 per month) a Supervisor would maintain their membership for a full year.

Why the long-term approach?

This slow-drip process allows Supervisors time to focus on one tool each week - yielding long-term development and expertise. 

What does each session contain?

Burst training means it's short and to the point.

  • 20 minute Instructional Videocast
  • Downloadable supporting article

How much does it cost?

Each membership cost $25 per month and you can cancel at anytime.  Group memberships can switch out users without changing their plan.

How do I sign my supervisors up?

On the Enroll page submit a request for your group. Their email becomes the login and gives them access to the training anytime!

$1 Trillion

That's how much voluntary turnover is costing U.S. businesses.* 

We all know that unhappy employees are less productive, they call in sick more often, they look for other jobs and create high turnover.  These costly employee behaviors are the result of supervisors and managers who simply don't know how to lead their employees. 

By providing ongoing support and training you will PROTECT against financial loss, STRENGTHEN your company and IMPROVE your employee experience. 

Manufacturing is challenging and unique.  Supervisors in this field need specific training to help them be successful as they lead and optimize their contribution to the overall success and growth of the company.  

Tools for the Trenches is the right training to do just that. 

Designed BY a Manufacturing leader FOR Manufacturing leaders.

*Gallup, March 13th 2019

Find out how easy it is to enroll your Manufacturing Supervisors!

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