Three Things We Need from Our Boss

boss effective encouragement lead leader leadership manager performance process provide recognition recognize systems tools
What We Need from a Boss

We would be happy and successful employees if our managers just did three simple things for us. If we had these three things, we would otherwise find productive ways to navigate through all of our daily work problems that pop up. We could effectively do our jobs and perform extremely well!

If we could have an open and sincere conversation with our bosses, it might go like this:


“Hi Boss. Please Provide the Proper Tools! I am struggling using the tools that I am provided. While the tools work, they don’t work well. It is so frustrating to use tools and systems that are inefficient and have constant glitches. I want to do a great job for you, but using sub-par tools really slows me down. Additionally, there is a lack of tools sometimes. License seats and tool shortages cause me to need to wait for availability at times. These issues make me think, that if the company doesn’t care about my productivity enough to invest in proper tools, then why should I care so much.”


“Hi Boss, Please Manage Poor Performance! I am very skilled at my job, and I deliver ‘the bacon’ for you every day. I know that everyone makes mistakes sometimes and occasionally, I do too. The problem isn’t that an occasional human error interferes with my job, the problem is that the repeat offenders are getting away with underperforming. The same people make error-after-error and yet the situation doesn’t seem to be getting addressed. In addition to poorly performing employees, we have entire processes that are broken and don’t perform. Broken systems affects my ability to do my job well. If you could please manage and improve the people and process issues that affect my job, I would really appreciate it.”


“Hi Boss, Please Support and Encourage Me! Look I don’t need much, but an occasional word of encouragement or just simply saying ‘nice job’ every once in a while, would go a long way. When you don’t say supportive things to me, after a while, I assume that I’m not doing a good job and I stress out and then doubt sets in. At times, I start looking for another job. Being friendly to me, listening to me and encouraging me will keep me working here. Please stop by and say a friendly ‘hello’ sometimes. Let me know that the work I do is indeed valued. I need this feedback much more than I need a company picnic.”

Oh, Is That All?

If we were provided with easy access to good tools and systems, performance issues were addressed and we received an occasional word of encouragement, would we all be content and productive employees? I know that throughout my career, this recipe always worked for me. Of course, I would have an occasional bad day or stressful problem to solve, but overall, I was content within this framework of support. How about you?

Now Turn the Tables

What if you are the boss? As employees we desire these things as they provide overall contentment and job satisfaction. But as a leader are you delivering these things to your employees? When was the last time you asked for feedback from your employees? When did you ask them about their daily struggles? When was the last time that you provided them with friendly encouragement or positive feedback?

As a leader, we often overlook the fact that the things we desire from our bosses are also the same things that our employees desire from us. So, commit to getting feedback from your employees, addressing performance issues, and providing encouragement. If you do these things consistently, your employees will thank you and the company’s bottom line will undoubtably improve too.  


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