How to Conduct a Daily Tactical Meeting

actions assignments facilitate facilitator meeting problem solving problems production tactical team work troubleshooting

Use a White Board and Have a Stubborn Eraser!

The objective of your daily tactical meeting is to collaborate with your support resources in order to solve daily department issues. The attendees of your daily tactical meeting should be anyone who can help you solve short-term production problems. Every plant is different but typically, you need maintenance, planning, and maybe engineering, quality and/or purchasing. To establish your list of attendees ask yourself; "who can help you solve problems and adjust the production plan to meet your daily goals?" After forming your tactical team, it is all about teamwork.

You are acting as the the facilitator of this meeting. Although you will be standing up in front of everyone and discussing the department issues, you are really looking to conduct a collaborative meeting. In this tactical meeting, you present the top issues that need resolution and you are looking for the participants to help you solve the problems. You expect other to accept action items depending on their area of expertise. You want to conduct this meeting every workday in an office or conference room in or near your department.

You want to use a dry erase board and document all of the department issues by jotting down bullet points. Agree to the actions and assign the actions to the meeting participants and don’t erase any issues until the action item is 100% complete and the issue is solved. These are easy meetings to conduct. Just populate the board with simple talking points that describe the issues, solution and owner.

Schedule a reoccurring meeting invite for the same time and place each day. You only need to establish ground rules if the participants constantly violate basic etiquette. Everything is on the board, so your admin work is minimal. Just keep to the allotted amount of time and you’re all set. 

Effectively conducting this meeting everyday helps drive results and puts you well on your way to achieving your department objectives. Learn to do it well and be rewarded with success!

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