How Can A Supervisor Help Their Planner?

accuracy communication customer data factory inventory leadership manufacturing partner partnership planner planning plant supervsior supply chain teamwork
Planner Partnership

Manufacturing success is all about partnerships. When a Supervisor partners with their Planner, the results are incredible. In a partnership relationship, everyone wins. So what can a Supervisor can do to help-out their Planner?

Teamwork: If actual demand comes in different than the forecast and the plan, then team-up with your Planner and engage in the conversation about the impact of this new demand and help develop a solution. For example, if a customer drops-in a hot order, do you need to changeover the machine to produce this hot order? If so, what can be pushed-out in the schedule to accommodate this order without affecting another customer? Team-up with your Planner and collectively, you will make the optimal decisions! 

Communication: When the plan starts to actualize and something gets off-track, for example you have a machine breakdown or a set-up takes longer than planned or you have a quality problem, then communication back to the planner is essential. Just let your Planner know that you have a variance to the plan. This communication allows your Planner to adjust the plan and get you back on track and it will help you and your customers. 

Data Accuracy: Data accuracy is essential for planning success. So when a supervisor does a great job of accurately managing shopfloor inventory, it really helps out the planner. Also, if a Supervisor notices an inaccurate Bill of Material or Router and gets it corrected, then that too really helps a Planner to do their job better. Data accuracy creates a win-win situation. Help your Planner to help you by maintaining accurate systems.

When plant resources work in isolation and don't communicate with each other, it can spell trouble and results definitely suffer. However, good partnerships can drive bottom-line results! For example, when a Supervisor partners with their Planner, it is a real gamechanger! Your Planner wins, your customers win, your department wins and you will win! So always partner with you Planner and drive favorable results for your factory! 

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