How to Use Team-Based Recruiting!

hiring human resources manufacturing supervisor leadership partner recruiting referals resume resume screening screening staffing supervisor team teamwork
Recruiting and Resume Screening

Team-Based Recruiting

Recruiting efforts should be team-based. While your Human Resource  Department posts open positions on multiple platforms, frontline leaders can encourage internal employees to apply for promotions or ask their employees for referrals during their team meetings.

Human Resource Departments typically use multiple approaches to attract applicants. The most common approaches include posting the openings on web-based job boards such as Indeed, or having job fairs and open houses, offering referral bonuses, contracting recruiters and/or networking through LinkedIn. All can be effective but in tough labor markets, more is needed.

There are actions that Supervisors can do to help fill open positions in the company. This includes discussing open positions in team meetings to make sure everyone is aware of the all of the company's open positions. Then employees can decide if they are interested or maybe they know someone externally who is a good fit for an open position. Or maybe the Supervisor knows of a potential candidate outside of work. Hiring is a team effort!

Get Involved!

Everyone should be involved with the hiring process for four main reasons:

Head count in-and-of-itself is important for success. Labor drives output. Assuming there is enough sales volume, adding labor hours will then increase total output. Increasing output will improve factory revenue and staffing can improve on-time-delivery (that is if labor is causing a capacity constraint).

The quality of your employees will drive your factory results in the areas of safety, quality, and efficiency. You need good employees to get good results. Being well-versed on all aspects of the hiring processes will be useful for you throughout your manufacturing career. The need to hire is endless.

Lastly, being involved with the hiring process provides you with the opportunity to partner with your Human Resources Department and that’s an important relationship to maintain.

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